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Miche[_3_] Miche[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 1,262
Default Happy 4th from Leila

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> Hi folks. Looks like some of the same crowd is still hanging around
> this place after all these years! I first started posting on RFC back
> in '97; have logged off for some time now but was looking for my old
> "simple kitchen equipment" list and found that you all are still here.
> Hi Barb, Christine, Jill, Victor! Gosh, it's been so long, I forget if
> any of you oldtimers are "not speaking" to me for some reason. If so,
> let's just say that after five year's hiatus, we can forget old
> flamewars and enjoy each other.

Well hi there Leila! I'm glad to hear things are going well for you.

> I'm still cooking, no matter what else happens. I have even added a
> category to the blog titled "Frugal Food." Mark Bittman gave me a
> shout-out on his blog this winter - what a thrill. Longtime readers
> will remember what a fan I am of his.
> My blog is obscure but lives in its own little bubble of fame. If you
> google Middle East Peace Food Environment blog you'll get me right
> away, because how many blogs are devoted to all three?

Oh, that's great!

> My red lentil soup recipe was #1 on Google until this month - some
> rascals at the NY Times stole the recipe (ok it's Claudia Roden's) and
> vacuumed up the hits so I've been knocked from the top.

I just had a look at it, and it look fabulous, as well as fabulously
simple. I'll definitely give it a go. I love red lentils.

> Hope you all are surviving and thriving. Looks like RFC will last as
> long as the internet does...

Longer, if the cockroaches figure out a way to keep it going once the
humans are all gone.

> Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans, and happy summer to the
> rest of you in the Northern Hemisphere. For you Southern Hemisphere
> types, well, cheer up, spring is just around the corner!

Heh, doesn't feel like it right now, with the freezing rain and the


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