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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Yeast vs. chlorine question

Cuthbert Thistlethwaite wrote:
> That was an off-hand remark by Alton Brown I wanted to clarify.
> That being said, I still want my "artisan bread" loaves to rise a little
> more than they do, and am trying to figure out some possible variables.

It's extremely unlikely chlorinated water, it's far, far more likely
your recipe, your ingredients, and/or technique. And most US
municipalites do not clorinate anyway. Besides, were you so concerned
you'd realize that there's relatively little water used in yeast dough
recipes so it would not put you out much to try with bottled water to
see if there's any difference, before posting. NYC has clorinated
water, yet there are many bakeries located there that arguably produce
the best breads on the planet.