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Default Happy 4th from Leila

On Jul 5, 9:39 am, Cindy Fuller >
> In article
> >,
> wrote:
> > Hi folks. Looks like some of the same crowd is still hanging around
> > this place after all these years! I first started posting on RFC back
> > in '97; have logged off for some time now but was looking for my old
> > "simple kitchen equipment" list and found that you all are still here.
> > Hi Barb, Christine, Jill, Victor! Gosh, it's been so long, I forget if
> > any of you oldtimers are "not speaking" to me for some reason. If so,
> > let's just say that after five year's hiatus, we can forget old
> > flamewars and enjoy each other.

> > Jill, I must say that I no longer covet your green china, simply
> > because time passes... I have enough china now and wouldn't know what
> > to do with those green peacocks. But I hope they're screeching happily
> > in your basement or wherever you keep them hiding. Maybe one day
> > you'll sell them. You know, in the years since we discussed that
> > china, the color green has become quite fashionable - it's now going
> > out of style in favor of blue, my true love. So sell that stuff now or
> > miss your chance!

> > If you want to know what's up with me, look at my blog:
> >

> snip
> Although it saddens me to see that you're still undergoing chemo, the
> signs look encouraging. I also scrolled down to see the pics of your
> "staycation." The boys have really grown! How is the Spoonbread Queen?

Well it's either chemo or croak according to the doc so chemo it is.
However I have a great deal of confidence in the life force at the
core of everything. I feel like I'm going to be here for a good long
while yet. Today I did some yard work because I felt like it... two
days after my 25th infusion of chemo. So I'm feeling pretty good.
Plums are dropping off the tree so I harvested the good 'uns from
branches I could reach, and scraped up the fallen ones for the compost
pile. 7 years ago I made plum jam but it's way too much work for me to
bother now, although OTOH those kids eat a lot of jam on their PBJs.
Seems a shame to let the harvest go to waste. I just don't want to
face all the prep. These are smallish plums, the size of walnuts, and
it's way too much work to pit and skin 'em. We also have three more
trees that produce tasty plums the size of cherries. NO way I'm
skinning and pitting those, either.

The Spoonbread Queen is thriving. She takes my boys for an overnight
twice a month - they're over there now, swimming in her pool w my
hubby supervising. Then he'll leave 'em and we get some time off from
parenting until tomorrow after church. Yes, my kids go to church but I
don't have to! Yay.

Nice to hear from everybody - Nancy, Jill, Christine, Miche, Jean and
Cindy. Take care, all, and be of good cheer.


> Cindy
> --
> C.J. Fuller
> Delete the obvious to email me