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Default Steakhouse Potato Salad

Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> That's an item that my local Cub Foods sells in their deli; it's a very
> popular seller.
> I made my version this afternoon for supper tonight if I decide to fix
> supper. :-) If I don't, we'll have it with roast chicken tomorrow.
> What I did:
> Scrubbed and oiled 'some' baby new potatoes, red skins;
> Diced up about 1/3 cup of onion;
> Cut about 5 slices of extremely meaty and lean bacon from the pigmeat
> guy, and fried them up in a non-stick skillet until they were kind of
> crispy;
> Dissolved about 1/4 tsp chicken base in about 1-1/2 tbsp water;
> Mixed a glob (maybe 1/3-cup?) of mayo with about 1/2 cup of Daisy sour
> cream (have you ever looked at the ingredient list in other 'sour
> creams'? Jeez.)
> I put the onions in a bowl and diced about 6 leetle spuds into the bowl.
> I added the mayo to the reconstituted chicken base (there's a flavor to
> this salad that made me think there was some chicken something involved)
> and mixed it up (pretty thin, gulp).
> Then I stirred in the sour cream and that thickened it a bit. I added
> the bacon pieces to the dressing along with some black pepper and some
> chives.
> I mixed some of the spuds into the dressing and then returned it all to
> the bowl with the remaining spuds, mixed it up and stuck it in the
> fridge for an hour or so.
> Dayam! This is eminently edible. Scoff at the chicken base, but I do
> think that was the 'special' flavor that makes the deli stuff so good.
> Dinner is starting to look like grilled hot dogs accompanied by the
> potato salad, some crispy kettle chips (Lay's reduced fat version) and
> mebbe some dill pickles.
> Looks like the rest of the cooked potatoes will become parsley-buttered
> new potatoes with tomorrow's chicken. If green beans don't require a
> bank loan at the farmers market, I'll get some of those, too.
> Dobru' chut'!
> --
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
> Preserved Fruit Administrator
> "Always in a jam. Never in a stew." - Evergene

I've always boiled potatoes in water for 'salads'. Your story/recipe
gave me the idea to perhaps try cooking chopped potatoes in chicken
brother instead of water. That'll definitely do something different I
surely bet! Thanks for the inspiration


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