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Default An ethical vegetarian what?

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 19:49:10 GMT, "Rubystars" > wrote:

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 16:38:37 GMT, "Rubystars" >

>> >
>> >"Cheerful Pickle" > wrote in

>> ...
>> >> Hi, gang,
>> >>
>> >> Recently, I heard about someone back east who claimed to be a

>> >> because he did not want to cause pain and death to any animals. That
>> >> sounds good. Though I am on a vegan diet for medical reasons, I have
>> >> respect for ethical vegans and other ethical vegetarians.
>> >>
>> >> However, this guy blows my mind with his strange logic. You see he may

>> >> an ethical vegetarian because he does not want to take a life, but he

>> >> also a living oxymoron. Tell me something, does this sound like an
>> >> oxymoron to you. He is an ethical vegetarian abortionist. Say what?

>> >> can one be against killing on ethical grounds, while killing everyday
>> >> himself?
>> >
>> >Ethical vegetarians are often (not always, but often) liberals to begin
>> >with. So they were probably already pro-abortion before they went off on
>> >this thing. I agree with you that someone who really cares about other
>> >living things will be against abortion (unless it's necessary, like the
>> >removal of an ectopic).
>> >
>> >-Rubystars

>> In some cities there are more abortions than births.


Well, we have to live with it. Every egg is a potential human,
and every sperm for that matter. If a person decides not to have
a child for say 5 years, there are many potential children who
won't experience life during that time, and many more after even
if they do have one after 5 years. Only a tiny percentage of them
actually become humans.

>>That being the
>> case it's pretty likely that there are plenty of other cities in which

>> are half as many.

>> Who do you suggest raise all of the aborted children
>> that the parents don't want to raise?

>I suggest that the girls stop being little sluts and wait until they're
>married to have sex and children.
>I think that any pregnant teen who doesn't want her baby can put them up for
>adoption though.
>>While you're figuring it out, keep
>> in mind that the number of children needing to be raised would probably
>> be half or more of the total number born already, which would mean
>> another half of an Earth worth of them.

>I really don't think that there are that many abortions. I think in some
>areas it's a bad problem but in other areas it's not.

This isn't really my thing, but if you want to check into if further
here's a bit to get started with:
__________________________________________________ _______
One out of every 4 babies conceived in the United States is aborted. In
more than 14 metropolitan areas, abortions out number live births. More
than 30 million abortions have occurred since 1973. Each year 1.5 million
unborn babies die by abortion. (2)
__________________________________________________ _______
How many abortions are performed in California each year? The truth is,
no one knows -- and California, unlike most states, is making almost no
effort to find out.
According to the federal government, California was second only to New
York in the ratio of abortions to live births in 1996. For every 1000 live births,
there were 519 abortions. The ratio in New York was 580 abortions for
every 1000 live births. The national average for the same year was 314
per 1000.
__________________________________________________ _______
Other than the District of Columbia, which had more abortions than it did
live births(!), the five states with the highest ratios of abortions to 1,000
live births were New York (547), California (525), Delaware (501), Rhode
Island (440), and Florida (425).
__________________________________________________ _______
Recently released preliminary results from the 1999 Ukraine Reproductive
Health Survey document an alarming level of abortions among Ukrainian
women. Almost 40 percent of all women age 15 to 44 have had at least
one abortion, and 18 percent had at least two abortions. Since January
1994 almost half of all the pregnancies that ended were terminated by
induced abortions, and there were more abortions reported than live births.
__________________________________________________ _______
How many abortions are there in China? Statistics compiled by the Ministry
of Health (MOH) and the State Family Planning Commission (SFPC) have
diverged sharply since 1992. In 1992, both government agencies put the
number of abortions at 10 million. But by 1994, MOH reported 9.46 million
abortions, and the SFPC only 6.28 million. By 1998, the gap had grown to
7.38 million (MOH) vs. 2.63 million (SFPC).
__________________________________________________ _______
# Nearly a quarter of all 1996 births in Colorado (24.8 percent) were to
unwed mothers. For comparison, the figure for unwed mothers giving birth
in Colorado in 1940 was 2 percent; in 1950, 3 percent; in 1960, 4.2 percent;
in 1970 9.6 percent; in 1980, 13 percent; and in 1990, 21.2 percent. 3
# Of the 9,710 abortions performed in 1996, women receiving their second
abortion accounted for 23.7 percent (2,298). Women receiving their third
abortion totaled 716 (7.4%) and women receiving at least their fourth abortion
accounted for 3.1 percent (299) of all abortions. 5
__________________________________________________ _______
In the midst of a pro-life post, Sara of Diotima surprised me by pointing out that
70,000 women die each year from unsafe abortions.
There is no serious doubt that pro-life laws lead to increased death and injuries
due to unsafe abortions. Furthermore, as the Netherlands show, it's possible to
have the world's lowest rate of abortion by concentrating on reducing demand,
rather than by threatening doctors and mothers with jail time.