Thread: Cool Transport
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Edwin Pawlowski Edwin Pawlowski is offline
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Default Cool Transport

"aem" > wrote in message
> The dry ice thread made me wonder whether other people make any effort
> to provide cold storage when they do particular kinds of shopping.
> The fishmonger I go to is about a 20-minute drive from the house.
> When I'm going there I take a small artificial freezer block (blue
> ice?) out of the freezer and put it in a small Igloo-type cooler and
> put it in the car. Then I use that to hold whatever I get at the
> fishmonger for the ride home. I'm in the habit of putting the cooler
> and frozen block in the car when I go to the Asian maket, too, since I
> never know what I might find there. Does anyone else do a similar
> thing? -aem

In the summer I'll take a few ice packs. Even if things don't fit in the
cooler, we have a few plastic totes for the monthly shopping at BJ's. I pack
all the perishables together and put the ice on top of them.

Last week we went shopping and had about $200 worth of meats and other
refrigerated item. My wife decided she better go to the ER. The hospital is
10 miles north of where we were but I drove 20 miles south to home, unloaded
the car and then drove back 30 miles north. Good thing I did because I was
there for 4 hours until they decided to admit her..