Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Sat 05 Jul 2008 06:05:27p, Jean B. told us...
>> aem wrote:
>>> The dry ice thread made me wonder whether other people make any effort
>>> to provide cold storage when they do particular kinds of shopping.
>>> The fishmonger I go to is about a 20-minute drive from the house.
>>> When I'm going there I take a small artificial freezer block (blue
>>> ice?) out of the freezer and put it in a small Igloo-type cooler and
>>> put it in the car. Then I use that to hold whatever I get at the
>>> fishmonger for the ride home. I'm in the habit of putting the cooler
>>> and frozen block in the car when I go to the Asian maket, too, since I
>>> never know what I might find there. Does anyone else do a similar
>>> thing? -aem
>> Yup. That's what I do if I plan to pick up something that is
>> perishable. I might augment that with some free ice from Whole Foods.
> Living in Arizona and not always anticipating when we might want to buy
> something frozen or refrigerated. We keep a good sized cooler in the
> trunk of the car. If we know ahead of time we'll be making these kinds of
> purchases, we dump in 15-20 lbs. of ice that we keep stored in the freezer
> (surplus from our ice maker). If the purchases are not anticipated, we buy
> a block of dry ice at the supermarket. Nothing frozen or chilled survives
> long in 110°+ heat without some help.
I keep a large but cheap bare styrofoam cooler in the trunk during the hot
months. I'll either just bunch the frozen/refrigerated stuff in there for
a short time or grab a bag of ice at the store if I'm going to be out and
about for longer.
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