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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Low sodium salsa

George > wrote:

>Paul M. Cook wrote:

>> Even people I know who can't boil
>> water can make salsa. I assume you used fresh ingredients and followed a
>> basic recipe? You realize the stuff in jars is made the same way?

>Possibly the difference is that the stuff in jars is processed and home
>made isn't so the tastes will be a lot brighter and maybe the OP isn't
>used to that?

I don't consider home-made salsa a particularly quick preparation.
If your goal is to smoke the tomatoes and chilis on a Weber
or similar, it could take hours. At minimum there is lots
of chopping involved, and if you're not making smoked salsa,
you at least need to toast the chilis (say in a toaster oven).
(At least in my opinion... raw chilis in salsa do not "blend".)
It's a medium scale project but the result is a few pints
of really good salsa that will last about 6 days in the refrigerator.

It's worth doing yourself, just like it's worth making mayonnaise
yourself. 90% of the time most people don't bother.
