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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Kitchen ReDo-Floors

Sheldon wrote:

> Goomba wrote:
>> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> >
>> > So, if you do go for tile, may I suggest you get a few extras

>> and keep them - just in case?
>> Excellent advice!

> No extra brain cells needed for that one... that's true of any
> flooring, even with carpeting having an exra piece can repair a stain
> or burn. In fact with any product it's advisable to have some extra,
> like paints, fabrics, even fence slats and house siding and roofing
> shingles... anyone who knits/sews knows to save some extra of the same
> lot number... that's why better garments have extra buttons sewn into
> a hidden spot.

Fair enough - if you have had the flooring or carpeting put in yourself. In
my case the flooring was in situ, and my biggest mistake was forgetting to
ask the previous owners if they had any spares.

Another thing. If you do the work yourself and/or buy the flooring/materials
yourself, you usually have a few spares, and you get to keep them by
default. However, IME, if one has contractors in to do the whole job,
unless you specifically ask them, they hot-foot it out there with anything
that's left over - using the excuse that they are 'cleaning up' after the
job. Obviously, we do as much DIY as we can, because of that.
Chatty Cathy

Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...