Kitchen ReDo-Floors
Nancy Young wrote:
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> Another thing. If you do the work yourself and/or buy the
>> flooring/materials yourself, you usually have a few spares, and you
>> get to keep them by default. However, IME, if one has contractors in
>> to do the whole job, unless you specifically ask them, they hot-foot
>> it out there with anything that's left over - using the excuse that
>> they are 'cleaning up' after the job.
> Oh, I was steamed! If I had known the guy was going to take
> off with my extra tile, I would have hidden a box. He's the one
> who told me how much to order, now I know why. Not that it
> was a lot, but I have a cracked tile I'd like to replace.
> What a rip off.
Quite so. Make no mistake one is charged for whatever they buy, so if they
are short of two more tiles to finish a room, they have to buy another
box - which comes in 1.8 square meters per box - at least that's the norm
here. (Sorry not sure how much that is in square feet, off the top of my
head). So now we either DIY, or 'demand' anything that's leftover - heck we
paid for it...
Chatty Cathy
Egg tastes better when it's not on your face...