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Default An ethical vegetarian what?

katie > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > Yeah. You'd think they could at least go get some condoms. They're *not*
> > hard to come by.

They're too easy to come *in* though, if you're not careful!

They're at every grocery store and drug store, and most
> > convenience stores. They're not prohibitively expensive either.
> >

> on the condoms note, some self-righteous store clerks won't sell them to
> young people. which is totally irresponsible. as if it's not

> enough to buy condoms. when you're a teenager, clerks really give you
> 'looks,' and it's really embarassing, especially if you're a girl (whereas
> every guy is supposed to have that ancient condom stowed in his wallet).
> and i completely don't trust condoms. plus, they don't prevent all stds,
> although i would certainly hope that teenagers wouldn't have racked up too
> many by such a young age! ick. but yeah, even in a secure, long-term
> relationship, i am so NOT going to get knocked up, i'm all about
> double-bagging. i really think that's something that should be instilled

> kids, over and above the no-glove, no love thing, which is good, but

> quite go far enough. condoms break, or leak, or whatnot. and people seem
> to think that you won't get knocked up if you're on the pill, but they

> realize that the 99.6% effectiveness is based on PERFECT use. and who
> manages to use them perfectly? i wouldn't want to be one of the 4/1000

> winds up with a kid even with perfect use. so you've really got to mix at
> least 2 kinds of b.c., which can be pretty hard if you've got allergies.
> (i'm allergic to both latex and nonoxynol-9...that sure wasn't fun to find
> out!) can't wait for the male pill to come out. that'll be a huge bonus

> monogamous couples who are disease free and hate rubbers (doesn't

> at this point, i'm even thinking about something permanent, because b.c.
> pills are so evil. but even the permanent stuff isn't 100% guaranteed.
> vasectomies and tubals can fail, or spontaneously heal and whatnot. that
> sure would suck! what we really need is an on/off switch for the
> fertility...*sigh*...
> ...