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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Ping: OP who was looking for bottom freezer fridge

Wayne Boatwright > wrote in

> On Sun 06 Jul 2008 07:52:33p, hahabogus told us...
>> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
>> 6.120:
>>> On Sun 06 Jul 2008 07:16:24p, Terry Pulliam Burd told us...
>>>> On Sun, 06 Jul 2008 19:19:05 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>>>> > fired up random neurons and synapses to
>>>> opine:
>>>>>Several manufacturers make them. Here is one from Maytag:
>>>> I have a SubZero that has a pullout freezer drawer on the bottom.
>>>> Absolutely rocks.
>>> Terry, I "think" the OP was looking for a bottom freezer that was
>>> not a pull out drawer. I agree, however, that SubZero rocks!
>>>> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd --

>> It would have to be a bottom drawer...who would want to lay on the
>> floor to look in the freezer?

> No, it would not *have* to be a bottom drawer. The question was about
> a conventional bottom freezer model. Many of the conventional models
> have baskets that slide out.

Basket that slide... isn't that the same as a drawer?

My point if I had one was that something had to be involved other than
just a door or you'd have to lay on the floor to see into the freezer...

My older 'freezer on top' model fridge just has a door and a wire shelf
and some ice cube trays. If I turned the fridge over I'd have to lay on
the floor to see into the freezer compartment...Jeeze when you have to
draw diagrams for a joke....and I can't find my pointer.


The house of the burning beet-Alan