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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default A Humane Death For Lobsters...???

Gregory Morrow wrote:
> After talking to several cooks, lobster shop owners, a lobster
> researcher and a food scientist, I concluded that the only one
> who really knows how the lobster feels is the lobster.

Hmmm . . . this gives me an idea for a new invention.
The Lobster Motel consists of a pot with numerous
safety interlocks and two large carbon electrodes.
Fill it with salted water, put the lobster in,
close the opaque lid, and leave the room for about
3 minutes or until you hear the bell ring. Open it up,
and you have a motionless dead lobster ready for cooking.

Maybe the cooking function should be combined with
the execution function. The hapless lobster is
placed in the machine, a timer begins running,
loud music is played, and a text message is sent
to your cellphone after the lobster is cooked
and ready to eat.