Nancy Young said...
> Because of the neighbor's kids years ago, I still feel that
> I have to say Corn! with an exclamation point. Today I
> stopped at a farm stand and picked up three ears of corn.
> Still early, though the were very good, it will be great soon
> enough.
> I picked up a nice large tomato and a couple of cucumbers.
> I made, ta da!, tomato cucumber salad with red wine vinaigrette.
> A Nathan's hot dog, salad and corn on the cob, that was my
> first real 'summer' meal of the season.
> nancy
Are the NJ "Fresh" tomatoes being harvested already?!?
Speaking of corn, I'd like'd to have held your hand as kids and we'd run
and hide in the cornfields and get away from chores and then get drunk on
raw sweet corn, laying in the dirt, staring up at the sky.
Nice meal you posted, BTW!