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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default Secret to making great humus?

Miche wrote:
> In article <B7vck.822$4a3.120@trnddc04>,
> "James Silverton" > wrote:
>> Miche wrote on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 08:30:32 +1200:
>>>> wrote on Sun, 6 Jul 2008 22:14:03 -0700
>>>> (PDT):
>>>>> I love humus. However in restaraunts the quality always
>>>>> varies, some great, some nasty.
>>>>> I would like to make my own great Humus at home? Whats the
>>>>> secret of making great
>>>>> Humus? Is it ingredients, freshness or both? Please share
>>>>> your recipes and techniques.
>>>> My daughter reminded me of a hummus recipe a friend brought
>>>> back from Mexico where the lemon juice is replaced by lime
>>>> juice. This gives a different but interesting taste. The
>>>> recipe is made in a food processor and involves a tablespoon
>>>> of olive oil but that is not necessary and some of the liquid
>>>> from a can of garbanzos ( never use fresh)
>>> I've seen "never use fresh" a couple of times now. Why not?
>>> I've made fabulous hummus with cooked-from-fresh chickpeas.

>> Just because I'm lazy and it's not worth the time and trouble for no
>> discernible taste difference, IMHO.. I might have been better to have
>> said "I never use fresh"!

> I think there is a discernible taste difference, and I'd rather use
> dried (soaked and cooked) chickpeas rather than canned. And in NZ it's
> a lot cheaper, too.
> Miche

You might wanna go to an Indian market and look for bags of "Chana Dal".
Might also be called "gram dal", but I'm not sure about that one.
It is split chickpeas when the skins already removed.
