Thread: Corn!
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Chris Marksberry[_2_] Chris Marksberry[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 303
Default Corn!

> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 17:39:25 -0500, "Chris Marksberry"
> > wrote:
>>> Because of the neighbor's kids years ago, I still feel that
>>> I have to say Corn! with an exclamation point. Today I stopped at a
>>> farm
>>> stand and picked up three ears of corn.
>>> Still early, though the were very good, it will be great soon
>>> enough.
>>> I picked up a nice large tomato and a couple of cucumbers.
>>> I made, ta da!, tomato cucumber salad with red wine vinaigrette.
>>> A Nathan's hot dog, salad and corn on the cob, that was my first real
>>> 'summer' meal of the season.
>>> nancy

>>We have a little while to wait for corn. We love the Olathe stuff from
>>Colorado. My favorite hot dogs are Hebrew National, but husband has
>>his favs are the Nathan's "over the bun" length.

> So what condiments are popular in Texas?
> Lou


Actually I don't think Texas has rules like Chicago and New York do. We do
our own thing in the Lone Star State <g>.

Very commonly though the Chili dog rules. I like a little bit of catsup
(isn't that a Chicago no-no?), chili (without beans), and lots of cheese and
raw onions.

We have so many rules for chili, chicken fried steak, BBQ, etc. that maybe
we just have no more room for rules about hot dogs.

I have a DIL however who puts together a hot dog without the hot dog... just
the fixings!
