Thread: Noodles
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cybercat cybercat is offline
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Default Noodles

"George" > wrote

> Noodles are inexpensive in real Asian markets. Also lots of different
> types to pick from including fresh ones which are great for some dishes. I
> am guessing this is the "Asian" section of some big box?

Is this how you characterize mainstream grocery chains? If so, then the
is "yes." There is generally no Asian section, more like a noodle section.
priced them at the local chains, Harris Teeter, Kroger, Food Lion, Fresh
Market, Lowes, and Whole Foods. The price tends to be $3 or more
for a packet, and to make a batch the size I want, I need two packets.
Angel hair/spaghetti is at the most 2 bucks a box or bag and has twice
as much in it.

We have lots of Asian groceries, I am just not in the habit of shopping
at them. Time to shake it up a bit and go on an excursion. Will report back.