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Mark Thorson Mark Thorson is offline
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Default When Did Campbell's Soup Go Upscale ???

Well, I did it. I bought the soup.

It had 12 machine-made "won tons" in it.
They were tiny, mostly dough, like little
ravolis. They had an odd five-sided shape,
like a rectangle with a triangle added to
one side. The filling was almost non-existent,
a layer only about a millimeter thick,
undetectable when eating them.

As a Campbell's condensed soup, most of the
contents of the can were salt water. Very
salty water. When I read the label, I thought
that the calories were not too bad, only
60 calories per serving, 2.5 servings per can.
(I assume that's the standard serving size
in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.)

At 870 mg sodium per serving, that's a lot of
sodium. I dumped the broth down the drain,
because my feet swell up if I eat too much salt.

This is a product which will not long survive.
It's exactly as wretched as you'd expect a
Campbell's Chicken Won Ton condensed soup
to be, and certainly not worth $3.19, except
to satisfy my curiousity.