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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default (2008-07-07) NS-RFC: Garbage disposal units

sf wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:33:28 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>The problem with disposals is not the disposal it's usually the pipes in
>>older houses and the fact that disposals get dull. My brother used to work
>>in the plumbing business many years ago - He worked for Insinkerator. He
>>came to the house and asked if I ever cleaned my disposal. ?????? What????
>>How do you clean a disposal I said. He said Easy got an old glass you don't
>>want. So I handed him the glass which he promptly put down a running
>>disposal, . The noise was horrific
>>He told me the sharp glass cleans the grating steel (don't know what else to
>>call it) of the crud that builds up over the years.
>>Seemed to work and still does.
>>I am not recommending anyone does this - it has seemed to work for me over
>>the years.

> I've heard that ice works. Just dump in a tray of ice and grind.
> Doesn't make as much noise as glass. Glad to hear you are allowed
> grind glass in your Insinkerator. My hubby goes into apoplexy if I
> try to grind up a lemon rind, so I do things like that when he's out
> of the house.

Okay, we have, up there, "grating steel" and now "grind". My disposals
have always had blades. Am I way out of date, here?

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