The Garden Went - WILD
HappyMamaTo3 wrote:
>>>>>> snipppage<<<
>>> Ah so, just thrilled that our little garden has paid for itelf this year.
>>> Anyone else harvesting?
>>> Cindi
>> You must be at a lower latitude than me. The zucchini just started to
>> flower over the past day or two. Some of the cherry tomato plants have
>> small green fruit and the bigger varieties haven't done much yet.
> We are sitting at 37* 39' North. We seem to be in a good zone for early
> planting and production. There were beautiful big red fruits, some Romas,
> about a dozen cherries, and two golden jubillees this afternoon. The plants
> are so full they are dipping even in their cages. My family and my hubby's
> workmates may be getting gifted with baskets of tomatoes soon.
> We had breafast for dinner tonight and I made extra bacon for BLTs for lunch
> tomorrow.
> Yum
> Cindi
We are at 41N latitude. and only have what I described. The local farm
corn is still weeks away.