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Nexis Nexis is offline
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Default What's Your Kitchen Strength?

"Michael "Dog3"" > wrote in message
. ..
> Julia Altshuler >
> : in
> <snip>
>> Coming up with a lifetime's worth of meals for someone with heart
>> disease and diabetes would be too big a challenge for me. But making
>> a fairly normal meal and letting the guest decide how much of which
>> item he eats makes being the hostess easy. (I was going to say "piece
>> of cake.") All I have to do is plan something with brown rice instead
>> of bread or pasta.

> I knew about the heart disease but when the diabetes was diagnosed I went
> bat shit. I felt like food was the enemy. I posted a flurry of whiney
> assed posts here, which I feel foolish about. Anyway, my diabetic
> dietitian and several other diabetics on this group got me through that
> mess. Now I can judge for myself what I can and can not have. I
> restrict nothing. I just do things in moderation. I can pretty much tell
> what my body is trying to say to me... you know... eat fewer carbs or
> less fat... etc. I test my BG 3x a day too which I find very beneficial.
> Besides... one can always substitute one delish thing for another which
> you have demonstrated above.
> Michael


Don't you feel foolish about nuthin', ya hear? When I was diagnosed I was a
hot mess. Then I was in denial. I figured, if I didn't acknowledge it, it
would go away. Or something. Didn't work.
My biggest problem these days is eating often enough. Recently, though, my
dad's endo was saying something that I find helpful...he said not to think
of it is eating a bunch of meals. A small snack can be enough...say a
handful of nuts or a piece of fruit or something along those lines. I still
forget to eat sometimes though, which drives my husband crazy.
