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The UnInmate The UnInmate is offline
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Posts: 87
Default the rustic lunch

1. take out one plate or platter to act as the shared personal dish of
everyone at table. This only really works for a maximum of four people.

2. take a slab of medium cheddar or marble and slice about 2-3 slices for
each person eating. Arrange on plate.

3. halve and pit about 3 apricots per person, lay them cut side up on the
plate, and put a drop of honey in the middle of each.

4. take uncut round light rye loaf and cut into small wedges. About 6 wedges
for each person should be enough (as many as there are apricot halves).
Place them on a plate.

5. place plate in the middle of the table and give everyone an eating knife.
Participants can cut and spear the food with their knife and put it in their
mouth that way. Cheese, apricot, and bread should be placed in the mouth in
that sequence before chewing. The proper way, which is to pull the food off
the knife with your lips, is perfectly sanitary, but this is not recommended
if people are afraid of cooties.