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Chile Fiend Chile Fiend is offline
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Posts: 78
Default What's Your Kitchen Strength?

Andy <q> wrote in :

> Chile Fiend said...
>> Andy <q> wrote in :
>>> My kitchen strength (BTW, that's the longest word with the fewest
>>> vowels!) would have to be the indoor kitchen 6,000 watt BBQ/grill.
>>> Andy
>>> Can dim the neighborhood while in use

>> Just curious but what sort of jet/turbofan do you have to vent the
>> heat/smoke when you fire that up? I now do all the very hot work out
>> on the grill or fryer/burner when I can. I looove the smell of bacon
>> when cooking but I don't like it all day long in the house.
>> When we remodel I think I might have a hood/vent put in.

> Chile Fiend,
> The dual fans are enclosed behind an overhead brick enclosure,
> directly above the grill. Major industrial fans, I might add!!!
> Just typical Thai chicken satay roasting away, for example. I had a
> better "entire" picture of the indoor BBQ grill but can't find it on
> the 'puter.
> When you do your indoor BBQ grill, definitely think MAJOR
> ventilation!!! My best advice. You'll be well rewarded!
> Best,
> Andy

Yikes! I bet your electric meter really starts spinning when you fire
that up. Looks like a heating element right out of an oven.

So no plates or covers to stop splashing or dripping onto the heating
element? I suppose nothing lasts for more than a milliseconds before it's

Oh... and I can almost smell that chicken looking at the picture.