Thread: Corn!
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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Corn!

Wayne Boatwright wrote:

> Chain store closings seem on the rise in some areas. As large as the
> greater Phoenix area is, a couple of months ago every single Dunkin'
> Donuts shop closed literally overnight, windows boarded up. I've
> still never heard why that happened. Yet, I still see their
> commercials running on television.

Oh! I noticed a Pods in front of the Dunkin Donuts in town
maybe 3 weeks ago. Suddenly it's closed 6 weeks for
renovation. Made no sense to me, though I do see stuff
in the store, appliance looking boxes. They do a big business
at that location, how can they afford to close for six weeks.
The store was under 10 years old.

Veddy Intedesting. I will have to look more closely.
