Thread: Cupcake theory
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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Cupcake theory

Christopher M. said...

> Andy wrote:
>> Christopher M. said...
>>> Andy wrote:
>>>> Christopher M. said...
>>>>> Cupcakes made with oil are moister than cupcakes made with butter.
>>>>> But does a less moist cupcake make one savor the frosting more?
>>>>> Kind of like drinking a coke after exercising?
>>>>> W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)
>>>> I was raised on the Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the "cream"
>>>> filling with the white swirls across the top.
>>> There's a local bakery near me that makes homemade Hostess chocolate
>>> cupcakes, and another one that makes homemade twinkies.
>>>> Since residing in Philadelphia, I'm partial to Tastykake's
>>>> butterscotch krimpets. Simple melt in your mouth goodness!
>>> I'll have to try some. Butterscotch is underrated.
>>>> Would I dare a cupcake of my own? Never!!!
>>>> Andy
>>>> Ask me about popovers!
>>> Have you tried aebleskivers (round pancakes)?
>>> W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)

>> Pooh,
>> Don't know/never heard of (hold on, while I cut and paste)
>> aebleskivers (round pancakes).
>> Andy
>> Lead a sheltered life, I guess. Take me to your leader!!!? Please?

> They're nothing special, just round Danish pancakes. It's the latest
> fad. Some people fill them with custard. Here's some pictures if you're
> interested:
> b=wi
> W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)


I'm torn between pancakes and popovers from those images. I'm leaning
towards really fluffed up pancakes.

Butter? Syrup?

Either/neither way, I'm OK