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The Ranger[_6_] The Ranger[_6_] is offline
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Posts: 241
Default ¡Ay, chihuahua!

notbob > wrote in message
> On 2008-07-08, The Ranger > wrote:

>> As my Austrian marketing professor often bellowed
>> to an errant student, "Bah! You, sir, are wrongk!
>> WRONGK! You will sit and be quiet now so that no
>> one else knows you are a <insert Austrian explitive>."

> Geez, is Austria still a country? I thought they were
> just a German backwater the Allies would let Germany
> spit back up. BTW, name one Austrian cheese without
> googling for it. I couldn't.

How about I reference my "A Cook's Guide to Cheese" (ISBN
0-7548-0026-1)? That's rather quaint and definitely not
googling for it.
It highlights three cheeses:
Bergkäse - Region; Voralberg Massif. Closely resembling the
Bavarian Bergkäse, this has a creamy, fudge-like flavor with a
hint of hazelnuts. The holes in the paste are smaller than
those in the German cheese and the cheese is matured for six
months or longer.

Kugleskäse - Region; Danube. Added to local dishes for flavor
and texture; also served solo with beer, this simple cheese is
a local specialty. Once the fresh curd has formed -- and while
still warm -- pepper, caraway seeds and paprika are added so
that the curd becomes infused with the specific aromas and
characters of each spice. The cheese is the rolled into balls,
which aresalted and dried for weeks or even months.

Mondseer - Region; Salzberg. This cheese is firm, yet moist.
One can grill it or eat it plain as a snack. It has a slightly
spicy aroma and a sweet-sour taste. Although it's related to
other washed-rind cheeses, it tends to be milder and
significantly less pungent. It ripens in a bout two to three
months and has a fat content of 45%.

>> More's the pity... I see you'll need multiple candles
>> and prayers to light the way.

> Bah!... humbug. Brie.... tasteless plastic bunk in the
> same league as American cheese slices, but without
> the flavor.

notbob! Repent! Repent and cast Satan from thee or suffer truer
torments from Hell's damned well-beyond thou's kin...

The Ranger