Mental Blocks in the Kitchen
Janet Wilder wrote:
> Serene Vannoy wrote:
>> Kswck wrote:
>>> Everyone has some sort of 'mental block' for some procedure that they
>>> can never get right, despite how many times they do it.
>>> Mine is trussing a chicken.
>>> Yours?
>> I cannot seem to make flaky biscuits or pie crust. I mean, I can make
>> biscuits and I can make pie crust, but neither one is any great
>> shakes. I would love it if I could make really outstanding pie crust,
>> rather than just okay crusts.
>> Serene
> Try this if you use butter.
> Store the butter in the freezer. Cut off the amount you want to use for
> your crust or biscuits. Grate it through the large holes of a box grater
> then work it through the flour with your fingertips.
> I got this from those two large English ladies who used to have a
> cooking show. One is now deceased, IIRC, but I can never recall their
> names, just the name of the cooking show which was "Two Fat Ladies"
I'll try that, thanks!
"I think I have an umami receptor that has developed sentience." -- Stef