kilikini wrote on Wed, 9 Jul 2008 18:19:25 -0400:
> Al wrote:
>> So last weekend I followed this eHow recipe for making cheese
>> fondue"
>> I love the idea of doing a romantic dinner with dips and
>> little morsels. The recipe tasted great, but I think my
>> fondue pot wasn't very good. The middle seemed burned and the
>> outside wasn't melting at all. My fondue pot uses those
>> little fuel cans. Can anyone recommend a good type of fondue pot that
>> heats evenly? Thanks!
> I use a West Bend electric pot. Even heating and it regulates
> itself.
We used the same stainless steel pot for all sorts of fondues. The oil
or the cheese was heated to boiling on the stove and then kept hot with
Sterno. If the cheese formed a brown crust on the bottom of the pot,
soking overnight with dishwasher soap did the trick.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: