Weird dinner combos, redux
sf wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 13:36:45 +0000, Chile Fiend
> > wrote:
> >I will confess to the occasional peanut butter & pickle sandwich.
> >
> >I was taught this black art around the age of say 12-13 by a schoomate.
> >This was a popular item in his house.
> >
> >It's prepared like a grilled cheese sandwich. When the buttered bread is
> >properly browned the peanut butter becomes wonderfully "oozy" and soft.
> >The taste is quite a suprise as some magic happens and 2 things you'd
> >never consider would work together really do.
> >
> >Thinking about it now I think I'll have one this evening since it's bee
> >a while.
> I've never grilled a peanut butter sandwich... that's the weird part.
> LOL!
> --
The department store restaurant I worked in as a teenager offered
grilled peanut butter and ... open-faced sandwiches. Peanut butter and
bacon wasn't bad but peanut butter and cheese definitely didn't work for
me but people ordered (and ate) them.