Thread: Corn!
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Chris Marksberry[_2_] Chris Marksberry[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 303
Default Corn!

>>Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 15:10:29 -0700, Blinky the Shark
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Lou Decruss wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:44:46 -0700, Blinky the Shark
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> Lou Decruss wrote:
>>>>>>> Some places put fries on top the dog and wrap it up. That close
>>>>>>> enough for ya?
>>>>>> That's a pretty tall hot dog, with the fries and salad (cole slaw)
>>>>>> all
>>>>>> piled up on top.
>>>>> Well, you're supposed to pull the fries off so you can keep them away
>>>>> from the ketchup. Usually they just fall off. I like them in their
>>>>> own bag or on the side in the basket.
>>>> Speaking of slaw, isn't that on dogs or burgers a suthren thing?
>>> I thought that was pulled pork. I've tried it, but I like slaw on the
>>> side.
>>> Lou

>>There is a famous barbecue joint in Lexington, NC where they serve the
>>pulled pork on a bun with the vinegar slaw on top of it. It's really
>>yummy. The slaw is not the kind of slaw I'm used to. It has no mayo,
>>just vinegar and spices, IIRC.

> The first time I had real Q was in Texas. It was served with the
> vinegar slaw. I didn't like the slaw on the sandwich. Maybe I'll
> give it another try sometime.
> Lou

Interesting Lou,

Happen to recall where in Texas you were? I don't recall ever seeing it
served that way here. Then again, I'm not a big cole slaw fan. I like a
small portion with fish fry stuff.