Secret to making great humus?
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Marquis Hodes
external usenet poster
Posts: 10
Secret to making great humus?
On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 23:29:36 -0700 (PDT),
>Thanks to all for the great advice.
>* Correction - Hummus - spelling correction.
>* Should I use paprika or cumin and is it best mixed in to the Hummus
>or sprinkled on top for presentation.
> Same with the olive oil, should I just drizzle it on top or mix the
>olive oil into the Hummus.
>* Someone mentioned "find a quality tahini". How do I know a quality
>Tahini from a sub-quality Tahini.
> Should any Tahini at a market like whole foods be sufficient?
>* Some recipes call for x ounces of chichpeas. Is that volume or
>weight. I need to know since I plan to soak and boil dry beans instead
>of using canned.
1. In Israel and the West Bank when I ordered it, many years ago, it
was usually served with paprika sprinkled on, then dressed with olive
oil which usually had chopped parsley and/or cilantro mixed in. It
was often garnished with some chickpeas, a few olives and 2-3
peperoccini-type pickled hot peppers. There was always a plate of
warmed/toasted pita triangles to dip. The presentation was usually
made on a large round plate with the hummus spread by swirling outward
from the center with a spoon to create a central hummock of hummus
with a thinner surround and a thick lip at the very edge of the plate.
Looked lovely.
2. Any of the tahinis in a plastic or glass jar from a Middle Eastern
market will do well. I find that the oil sometimes separates out on
top and if you want "thick" tahini - don't mix it all in (or any if
you want stuff like nearly-set cement). Joyva is "OK" if you can't
find better. If you find the Thelma stuff in the Kosher section of
your supermarket - pass it by, it is really a condiment, but in Israel
they would put a swirl of it ontop of the hummus before splashing on
the oil for an extra fillip of sesame flavor.
3. The recipes are great, but after you've made it about twice you
can "wing-it" and taste as you go - you'll produce a better (to you)
product by tasting.
4. Lately I like hummus "dressed" with a sprinkle of Za'atar along
with the paprika - try it if you like Za'atar. Or better yet, eat the
hummus with Za'atar Bread made by taking pocketless pitas (or Naan)
painting with a generous swipe of olive oil and pouring on Za'atar,
then shaking off what doesn't stick and heating them in the oven until
warmed through. (Alternate putting hummus on and then Lebeneh
(yougurt cheese) for a real treat at lunch, or breakfast.
5. A nice Middle Eastern style side is a plate of pickles, pickled
hot peppers, pickled turnip (lefet) and olives. Known in Israel as
Harifim and Chamutzim (Hots and Sours).
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Marquis Hodes
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