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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Some of McDonald's 10 Best Restaurants

Andy wrote:
> Some of McDonald's 10 Best Restaurants
> Travel channel had a show on various McDonald restaurants around the world.
> The most interesting one was one with a "Diner" inside. You down in booths
> and a waiter hands you Denny's style menus with 120+ additional offerings
> aside from the typical burgers.
> When you were ready to order you picked up a "red phone" on your booth wall
> and press the big yellow button and send in your order and 5 minutes later,
> dinner was served. Real plates and silverware even!
> You could order a full turkey dinner, chicken fried steak dinner, Belgian
> waffles were some of the dishes they showed. The waiter at the table
> declared "Please, no tipping allowed."
> This was a newer model than the Diner they opened in 1990.
> I can't shake the thought of McDonalds trying to get out of the fast food
> biz! It didn't really look like a Diner of old, with the juke box selectors
> at each booth.
> The Times Square restaurant in NYC looked great. Modeled in a Broadway
> backstage motif, black walls, tables, narrow hallways, etc.
> One, somewhere near Orlando, FL, looked a lot like a Chuckie-Cheez with
> more space devoted to indoor playground, video games, etc. They even served
> pizza.
> The #1 McDonalds was in Rome, Italy. I forget the name of the sectioon of
> town but it was in the high rent/fashion district. An opulence of marble,
> archways, columns and fresco paintings. And the most expensive Big Mac in
> the world, so they said. Now I want to visit Italy more than ever.
> The McDonalds here in town looks pretty outdated by comparison. Run down is
> probably a better term for it.
> And I don't even eat McDonalds.
> Andy

The McDonalds franchisee here in our Parish has several of the stores.
He offers free wireless computer service including two laptops bolted
down to a table, free coffee to senior citizens plus a senior discount.
Every store has a ROMEO group eating there every morning except Sundays
because of his policies. He even gave all the ROMEO's their own coffee
cups with, of course, McDonalds on them. Comes by once in awhile to talk
to the folks too.

Nothing as fancy as what you mentioned but everyone appreciates being
treated nicely and known by name.