Thread: Corn!
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blake murphy[_2_] blake murphy[_2_] is offline
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Default Corn!

On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 18:12:00 -0500, "Chris Marksberry"
> wrote:

>>>>> On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:44:46 -0700, Blinky the Shark
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>Lou Decruss wrote:
>>>>>>> Some places put fries on top the dog and wrap it up. That close
>>>>>>> enough for ya?
>>>>>>That's a pretty tall hot dog, with the fries and salad (cole slaw) all
>>>>>>piled up on top.
>>>>> Well, you're supposed to pull the fries off so you can keep them away
>>>>> from the ketchup. Usually they just fall off. I like them in their
>>>>> own bag or on the side in the basket.
>>>> Speaking of slaw, isn't that on dogs or burgers a suthren thing?
>>>> --
>>>> Blinky
>>> Not Texas, but I think in the Carolinas.

>> Yes, I was thinking Dixie.

>Texas is weird (no cracks please), but somebody categorized it as a Southern
>Food State, but from a geographic standpoint it's the Southwest.

it's a mistake to think of texas as southern. it has a special
weirdness all its own.

your pal,
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