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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Food shopping yuck, as in eww

maxine in ri wrote:
> On Jul 10, 8:23 am, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>> Just curious what others would do. Idly curious.
>> This asian market where I go once in a while, it has this
>> air of being less than sparkling clean.
>> Perhaps this impression comes from the fact that the
>> shopping hand baskets are *filthy* dirty grimy. I don't
>> even like to touch them. I will not forget to bring my
>> own cloth bag to use next time.

> The Asian market I sometimes frequent is like that, so I bring my own
> bags, and don't put anything unwrapped in the basket.

That's what I'll be doing. I hesitated to buy the unwrapped
scallions. I'm no clean freak, but I just don't get that good
feeling shopping there.

> I also have
> wipes in the car (the joys of older car ownership include dirt hands
> when there's work to be done). Mostly I buy produce or condiments.
> I'd guess their rice would be fine, since there's such a high
> turnover, but I can't find a use for a 25-50 pound bag!

That's too much rice for me, too! Where would I store it.

> You could contact the board of health and ask if they have recently
> checked the place.

I just get a bad feeling about bringing trouble on a place.
I don't want them to get into trouble, I do want them to clean
the baskets. I won't be using them again, so I shouldn't care,
but I'm pretty sure the cleanliness must go deeper.

> There's a Japanese-Korean store up the street from
> that one. The prices are higher, there's less produce, but they are
> cleaner than most major grocery stores (not saying much there!)
> And yeah, I spray most of the produce with hudrogen peroxide, then
> vinegar, then rinse before using.

Thanks for making me feel like I'm not alone.
