Food shopping yuck, as in eww
Tracy wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> Perhaps this impression comes from the fact that the
>> shopping hand baskets are *filthy* dirty grimy. I don't
>> even like to touch them. I will not forget to bring my
>> own cloth bag to use next time.
> The Asian market where I shop has an awful smell when I walk in - but
> I get used to it after a few minutes.
Yeah, I ignore the smell. Though yesterday there was a
putrid odor coming out of the back room/loading dock/whatever
that was pretty bad, as in worse. But, I expect it, I don't want
everyone to think I walk around looking disgusted.
> I avoid the produce for the most part. My husband really likes the
> fish there - he says it's the freshest around. And he knows his
> fish...
I have bought meat there. Not fish, but that's not saying anything,
I hardly ever buy fish.