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Phred Phred is offline
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Default What's Your Kitchen Strength?

In article >, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>In article >,
> (Phred) wrote:
>> In article >, Melba's
>> Jammin' > wrote:
>> >In article >,
>> > "Dimitri" > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Ok then what the hell is the USED MEAT BIN?
>> >> Inquiring minds want to know...
>> >
>> >LOL! Meat past its Sell By date. S'am t'ing as the markdown bin.

>> Here in Oz it's illegal to sell anything past its Use By date. But
>> like all these stupid rules it only applies if the checkout chick
>> happens to notice the UBD on the product. So it *is* possible to buy
>> a decently matured lump of cheese sometimes because the shelf packers
>> who are supposed to notice and remove such things often don't.

>Use By is not the same thing as Sell By.

Fair enough. But I've never seen "Sell By" here in Oz. We have "Use
By" and "Best Before", which are largely synonymous. (We also have a
"Packed On" date which is used by at least some chains for stuff from
their deli sections. It's then up to the consumer to be sensible.

*News Xpress 2.01
10 Jul 2008 14:20:30 GMT

Our local Coles also marks down fresh meat at some time on Saturday
arvo because they don't open on Sundays. It's not a huge reduction
(maybe around 20% or so) but on the occasions when I've been in the
store at the time it's pretty clear there are quite a few people
waiting around for it to happen! Don't know how general this is.

Cheers, Phred.
