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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Sugar substitutes [Was: What's Your Kitchen Strength?]

In article >, Nina > wrote:
>I feel like of compelled to say that it's easy to eat low carb and
>also very few artificial foods. About the only artificial food that
>we eat at all is Splenda, which unfortunately I can't seem to
>eliminate (in my tea!).

G'day Nina,

I was "addicted" to sugar in tea most of my life. But about 30 years
ago I read an article claiming it was just a habit rather than an
addiction and it could be broken if you could go without for a
few weeks.

Out of curiosity rather than need, I decided to give it a go -- and it
turned out to be true! I can't cop sweet white tea any more (except
the way the Indians make it -- see note below) and it didn't take long
(but wasn't quite as easy) to give up sweetner in black tea too.

As for artificial sweetners, they're right up there with trans fats
and all the other garbage in my (admittedly largely ignorant) opinion.

Note: During three months in India I couldn't avoid sweet white tea in
most places because that was the only way it was made -- boil up the
milk, sugar (and plenty of it , and tea; then strain it though an
old sock into the cup. Pretty bloody good it was too. :-)

Cheers, Phred.
