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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default What's the most expensive food you buy?

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:21:15 -0700, wrote:

>On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 23:18:55 -0500, Lou Decruss >

>>>>That's pretty pricey. I made Albacore steaks from TJ's last weekend
>>>>and they were $6.99 frozen. I marinated them in a bit of soy, ginger,
>>>>garlic, sesame oil, and a dab of black bean sauce. Some of the best
>>>>fish I've ever had. And the price was ok too. Here's a picture of one
>>>>just after it was tossed in the pan:

>>Sorry about the pan koko. It seems to upset Shemp.

>My dang was in reference to how great it looks as in "Dang Lou, that
>looks great"
>I hadn't read the other posts which wouldn't keep me from my opinion

Thanks Koko. I made a stir fry, and some rice made with a saffron
mix I got from World Market. I forgot to get a plated shot, but it
was a wonderful meal. I need to get back to World Market for more of
that mix!
