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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default Food shopping yuck, as in eww

Gregory Morrow wrote:

> Dirty baskets really bug me. I mean how hard is to hose them down
> with some sanitiser and water every day or so...???

I think on some level I've been noticing them be grimier by
the visit.

> [the grottiest thing to me is touching bus rails, etc. when I ride
> the bus, YUCK...!!!]

Amazing how I can hold myself upright on public transporation
without using my hands. I also push elevator buttons, etc, with
my knuckles.

> And like others here have mentioned, everything possible gets
> cleansed when I get home. I have a sink of hot water with ammonia to
> dunk some stuff in, then rinse off. I also have a spray container of
> hydrogen peroxide...cans get sprayed 'n wiped, etc.

You are much cleaner than I am.
