Another red-cooking sauce
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Another red-cooking sauce
"Nancy Young" > wrote in news
> blake murphy wrote:
>> On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 17:54:01 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>> wrote:
>>> Rice wine was labeled rice cooking wine. Now, I'd never use
>>> cooking wine when a recipe calls for wine. Is it different for
>>> rice wine?
>> it's difficult to find chinese wine without the added salt, which
>> means they can avoid paying an alcohol beverage tax.
> Ah, I thought the salt was added so they could sell it in
> grocery stores. You can't buy alcoholic beverages there,
> where I live. You go to the liquor store. So I wondered if
> there would be rice wine in the liquor store that I should be
> looking for.
> I see I missed a couple of replies. Thanks, everyone, I
> appreciate the responses. Now, once the weather becomes
> more agreeable to simmering anything, I will be ready.
> nancy
I have never made the sauce or even tasted it, but I'd do the liquor
store rice wine and add salt if the sauce tasted wrong. You'd probably
get a better quality rice wine. I usually use sherry instead as it lasts
damn near forever and a drinkable cheap sherry tastes good in soups and
sauces. Maybe $15 bucks for a half gallon which will last you years. Even
if you do the ginger stored in sherry thingie.
The house of the burning beet-Alan
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