Food shopping yuck, as in eww
On Jul 10, 11:28 am, "Gregory Morrow" >
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > Just curious what others would do. Idly curious.
> > This asian market where I go once in a while, it has this
> > air of being less than sparkling clean.
> > Perhaps this impression comes from the fact that the
> > shopping hand baskets are *filthy* dirty grimy. I don't
> > even like to touch them. I will not forget to bring my
> > own cloth bag to use next time.
> > If I thought anyone there spoke more than two words of
> > English, I'd call and tell them about it. I'd rather not drive
> > to some other far off place.
> > What do you think? Be nice. Heh.
> Dirty baskets really bug me. I mean how hard is to hose them down with some
> sanitiser and water every day or so...???
> Some of the dirtiest I've seen are at my local Walgreen's aka "The Soviet
> Walgreen's"...
> I carry my own sani - wipes with me for just such occasions...
> [the grottiest thing to me is touching bus rails, etc. when I ride the bus,
> YUCK...!!!]
> And like others here have mentioned, everything possible gets cleansed when
> I get home. I have a sink of hot water with ammonia to dunk some stuff in,
> then rinse off. I also have a spray container of hydrogen peroxide...cans
> get sprayed 'n wiped, etc.
> I'm not OCD, I just see too many people in this urban environment (Chicago)
> that have very poor personal habits. And this is just what I see in public,
> G-d knows what peeps do in private...
> --
> Best
> Greg
I would call that a little obsessive - some of those germs are helping
your body create antibodies so they won't fall victim to every little
nuanced germ or bug that comes along.
I don't worry about public bus rails - our buses are pretty clean -
but I always wash my hands when I get home, AND I keep my hands away
from my face. That's the best thing you can do to keep the nasties