On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:02:26 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2008-07-10, Sheldon > wrote:
>> Beer Diet: http://tinyurl.com/6d34cc
>Nonsensical crap!
Aww come on.. it was funny.
>You wanna lose weight on a real beer diet? I did it. 70lbs in 8 mos!
I lost 60 in about the same time. Similar stress diet.
>It was just after separating from my wife. The fact I was stressed and
>depressed and had little appetite helped. But, it worked. Here it is:
>Breakfast: 1 piece dry whole wheat toast w/ cup of coffee (black).
>Lunch: 1 cup of soup w/ glass of water
>Dinner: 2 small bean burritos and 1 six-pak of imported beer.
> Eat burritos, drink beer, cry self to sleep (opt).
>Work 10-12 hrs per day.
>NO!: butter, peanut butter, cheese, mayo, sweets
>Gar-own-damn-teed to lose approx 9-10lbs per month!
Some people eat like pigs under stress and depression. I'm like you
and can't eat. Luckily things always seem to get better and the pain
and stress go away. When happiness returns so does the appetite. I
gained 30+ pounds back. I'm pretty tall and can carry more weight
than a short person but I didn't like having a beer belly after I got
used to being thinner. I'm 6'3" and I'm back down to 192#. I'd like
to get down to about 185. I look and feel best at that weight. And I
can still have some beer, just not as much as I did when life sucked.