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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Restaurants - Optimist or Pessimist

On Thu 10 Jul 2008 06:05:23p, Lou Decruss told us...

> On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 12:09:27 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>My problem with restaurants is twofold:
>>First I think I have eaten at too many of some of the best in America
>>over the years.

> I wouldn't call that a problem. I'd call it a good benchmark.
>>Second for the most part I am unimpressed with the menu the presentation
>>and of course the food.

> Just admit it Dimitri, you're a food snob. It's ok. It's an
> attribute.
>>If you live in Mexico for a period of time Mexican restaurants here are
>>for the most part garbage.

> I would imagine you could say that about any country.
>>Chicago had the best Greek food

> It's been a long time since I've been to Greek town, but yes there's
> great food there.
> But you missed the polish, bohemian, and czech. With the largest
> polish population outside of Warsaw there's some good comfort eats
> here.
> Next time you're in Chicago run out to the burbs and try these:
>>'NYC the best American/Italian & Steaks (well just about everything)
>>San Francisco the best cioppino
>>LA well LA - Hmmm Coleslaw from the Pantry & Dodger Dogs
>>Want Great Pork chops get thyself to Iowa

> Iowa, central Illinois and central Indiana are all about the same and
> they do come up with some fabulous piggies. We get most of ours from
> central Illinois. The cows and corn aren't too bad either. But I've
> had some fabulous corn in Florida in the winter. I got it from a guy
> on the side of the road with a pickup full of it.
>>Want Great Sushi - Torrance California
>>I could go on and on
>>My problem now is simple 90% of the time I go to a restaurant I can do
>>it better at home.

> I often wonder if it's a curse to know how to cook. But then I come
> to my senses. A few things like asian cooking I don't have mastered,
> but like you most of the time I'm very critical of the meal I'm
> served. It drives my dining companions crazy when I bitch about a
> meal when they're very happy with theirs.
>>In desperation the other day we stopped at a Marie Calendars for lunch -
>>The cornbread was hot - nuked dry and the ham stack was the leftover
>>breakfast ham slices. Oh yes it certainly wasn't stacked they should
>>have changed the name to a ham FLAT.

> But 95% of the population in the states thinks it's great. Anyone who
> reads and posts like you do is in the other 5%. We're all here to
> help you through this Dimtri. Because DAMMIT you deserve it.
> Lou

Now living in Arizona, one of the things I miss most about living in the
Cleveland area are the wonderful European ethnic restaurants that abound
there. There's nothing here to compare them to, although I have found one
fairly decent German restaurant. I particularly miss the Hungarian, Czech,
and Polish food.

Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 07(VII)/10(X)/08(MMVIII)
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