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Lou Decruss[_2_] Lou Decruss[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 2,830
Default A really neat grocery tote

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:22:34 -0700, sf wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 16:30:06 -0500, Lou Decruss >
>>On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 17:24:30 -0400, Goomba >
>>>l, not -l wrote:
>>>> It is a nice bag; I bet this recycling of stuff would really catch on if
>>>> prices were reasonable.
>>>Well, it would make much more sense to recycle "stuff" from our own
>>>shores first rather than importing another's trash.

>>Trash is imported every time a boat comes on our shores with stuff for
>>walmart to sell. I vote everything made in china should be sent back
>>when it breaks in 6 months and let them deal with disposing it.

>Why do people shop at WalMart?

I have no clue. Stupidity maybe? I can't stand even hearing the

>The first thing they should do is
>watch Wal*Mart The High Cost of Low Prices on Comcast, Dish etc or
> (97
>minutes long)

I haven't seen it, but thanks for the link. I'll watch it later.

>then they should stop shopping there. It is an evil, evil company.

It always has been. It was known 20+ years ago when unions boycotted
it, but no one wanted to listen.
