Thread: St benard cake
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default St benard cake

On Thu 10 Jul 2008 07:18:47p, Bob Terwilliger told us...

> Squeaks asked:
>> Do you have a tried-and-true technique for slicing a layer in half
>> evenly? The closest I can come is with dental floss and that's not
>> perfect. Boston Cream Pie comes to mind...

> I have something called a "cake saw," though it seems difficult to find
> online. Here's a picture of one:
> The little wire-looking thing is actually a tiny raspy wire saw, which
> cuts through the cake. You can slide the cutting surface up and down on
> the post to vary the height of the layers. (On mine, there are actually
> *two* cutters, so you can make three layers out of one.)
> Bob

I bought one like this one "used" from a restaurant supply house. Although
it's a bit pricey at regular price, I paid about $25 for it.

I prefer baking a cake recipe in a 4" deep springform pan, then slicing
into 3 or 4 layers. I also use it to level the top layer. Makes a much
prettier, more professional looking cake. Every attempt I've made using a
long knife has always left me with layers at weird angles. :-)

As to cheesecake, I still find the super-slick floss ideal for cutting an
entire cheeseake into wedges. The best method is to hold a length of floss
across the entire cheesecake, then push straight down into the crust, then
pull the floss through from one side to the other without lifting upward.
Perfect slices everytime.


Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 07(VII)/10(X)/08(MMVIII)
Bad taste is timeless.