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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default (2008-07-10) NS-RFC: Washing dishes

On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 23:08:04 -0500, "Pete C." >

>Steve Pope wrote:
>> Pete C. > wrote:
>> >labor, save water and wash better than by hand since they use hotter
>> >water than your hands can take. $300 will get you a perfectly
>> >serviceable if not fashionable DW.

>> Footprint of a dishwasher is about 5 square feet. Cost of
>> residential property around here is about $500 per square food.
>> So that dishwasher requires $2500 worth of space.
>> Steve

>Well gee, that's your problem, you're only eating square food
>Since most dishwashers install under counter, and even the portables
>provide counter space on top, you can't count them like that.

He's in an old house, and the kitchen counters may not be 24 inches
deep. That happens a lot around here.
>Your property there is also *way* too expensive, by that spec I've got a
>$1M+ house, and probably with the 4 acres I have, a lot more than that.

You don't live in Berkeley, California either. It's a trade off.
Lot's of acres and boring, or no acres and stimulating. He made his
choice, you made yours.

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.

Mae West