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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default A really neat grocery tote

The UnInmate wrote:

> It's cheap, and some people have to shop cheap. Even if you have a social
> conscience, it doesn't help anyone if you go personally bankrupt over a
> matter of principle. And for some people $7.50 for a pair of brand new jeans
> that look decent, fit well, and last three years is just too tempting
> because no other retailer even comes close.

Sure there are. Consignment shops probably sell better brands for that.
A lot of lower end stores exist, or better department stores with
unsually good sale events.
I couldn't care less about the union issues at Walmart. Unions have
their own issues I dislike. But I do worry about the trade deficit, the
questionable quality of goods from China, the way local Mom & Pops are
squeezed out of business when tacky Walmart comes to town.
In particular with grocery items-I also worry about the homogenization
of America's eating based on the way Walmart sells only the very top 6
or 7 sellers of any one item. I think it will encourage the loss of
regional differences or "personality" down the road.