Stan Horwitz said...
> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>> Hi Stan!
>> I've walked past that place countless times, wandering around the
>> fringe of the Italian market. We should meet up someday soon and have
>> lunch there. I'll drive in for convenience.
>> And for dessert, go sit for a few Red Stripe Ales and "The Best
>> Sandwich in America, 2007" at Vesuvio's on 7th & Fitzwater for their
>> filet mignon Cheesesteak!!! :9 Or maybe make that another lunch for
>> another time.
> I have heard good things about Vesuvio, but I never ate there before.
> Ralph's is fantastic and I sure am up for meeting you at either place
> for lunch. Send me email to let me know when you're available and we can
> set something up.
That was the "Best Sandwich, 2008." What a difference a number makes!
See ya!,