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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Your Last Resort?

"blake murphy" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 16:21:37 -0700, "Dimitri" >
> wrote:
>>"Sky" > wrote in message
>>> There're many times when I don't know what to fix to eat for a meal.
>>> What do fellow RFCers make as a last resort when there's no time,
>>> inspiration, inclination, etc. available? I tend to make stuff like
>>> grits-n-bacon, poached-egg-on-toast, grilled cheese, steak, ham
>>> sandwich, weiner coins, lettuce wedge with bleu cheese dressing, or
>>> something like those. Fast and easy to make with little effort or
>>> attention.

>>Kraft Mac'n'cheese with whatever leftovers/whatever else sounds good
>>A Bologna & Cheese on white with Mayo & lettuce.

> who are you, and what have you done with dimitri?!?!
> your pal,
> blake

Same guy I always have been - Did I forget to mention the White is Boudines
sourdough from San Francisco and the Bologna is Veal Bologna from
Schreiners smoked meats in Montrose CA.

& Kraft Mac N Cheese is just comfort food. It's been a long time since I
made it with Campbell's soup and crushed potato chips on the top maybe it's
time. to make a tuna casserole with crushed potato chips .

Old Scoundrel

(AKA Dimitri)