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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default A really neat grocery tote

The UnInmate wrote:

> "maxine in ri" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Jul 10, 3:59 pm, Tracy > wrote:
>>> Just came across this the blog:
>>> Kinda pricey though. The site has some interesting things.
>>> Tracy

>> Whole Foods has a burlap bag that they've added a zip pouch around so
>> that you can drop it in your bag. THey sell it for a ridiculous
>> price, but do donate some of the money to some charitable group.
>> Me, I get my bags at trade shows and cons.
>> maxine in ri

> The local chain grocers sell canvas bags that cost 99 cents and hold about 5
> quarts by volume, which is just enough so the bag doesn't become too heavy
> when full. They're marketed as "green" shopping bags and have a stitched
> design on the side that promotes recycling.

The normal mainstream supermarket chain cloth one- or two-dollar
(depending on when you bought them) bags I have are about 3.3 gallons by
volume. The ones I see in the other normal mainstream supermarket chains
seem to be the same size. I've never seen any grocery bags (other than
specialty bags like for wine) that are small like the ones you cite.

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